get down from that story the mulch twitching as if asking to be foraged intoned upbeat unbridled as if a horse or an image of a horse is it decadent this ceaseless parsing of reference and referent the responsibility to master be mastered see hooves where rider and saddle have disappeared the human referents fall away can you read what has not been written yes—it’s all been gristled and knowing there are only horses where the human should have been get down that ghost saddle get down that rusted carriage they went south with the burning lanterns this is the endpoint the horse rears into a shadow of a man with horns |
backwoods blare across America rags and scraps shuffle the natural order toughened to a dull knife pounding the soil until flowers bloom spring’s illusion of change thick orange petals cut blue the sky open shut the white clouds occlude a memory rage sharpening against skin metal with nowhere to go not cut not cut a dead woman lives tulips sprout spread a wash of color where her hair had been America has conquered this tragedy the silver lining a stately state where green grass grows the backwoods gathering up the weeds |